
About Us

Hamida Nursing Institute has been working tirelessly since 2015 in the health service development movement. One of the vows of Hamida Nursing Institute is to deliver healthcare to the doorsteps of the underprivileged members of society in particular. “We will create competent health workers; service is one of our goals,” and we are working to take the quality of health care and treatment one step further. For this purpose, in order to create professional manpower who will be dedicated to health care, Hamida Nursing Institute provides modern education with all facilities and quality standards. Education is provided at no cost. In this regard, nursing courses have been given utmost importance. So skilled nurses are very necessary. Hamida Nursing Institute aims to produce skilled nurses. Experienced teaching staff, a well-located campus, maximum practical classes, internship arrangements in government medical colleges and hospitals, and even scientific sessions are arranged. Which is not the case in any other government or private institute. Graduates from here are employed in reputed diagnostic labs, hospitals in the country (Square, Lab Aid, United, etc.), and high-paying jobs abroad. By protecting its continuity, I will try my best to move this organization forward.
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